Can Bible College benefit you? Take our Pop Quiz and find out.

Our confidential self-assessment multiple-choice pop quiz below has been created to help the reader decide whether they will benefit from attending Bible College or not. It is intended to provide a bench mark of their knowledge of their faith. The value of Bible College is that you will learn things that will never be preached by your ministers and leaders and rarely taught by your teachers in the majority of church environments and services. So what can be the benefits of learning subjects like Church History with its attending theology, the study of end times, how to correctly interpret the Bible and how to preach? Well the Church has encountered many errors in the past and knowing them and seeing how the Church countered them may even save one’s soul or cement one’s salvation. Honestly, would you know if your ministers, leaders and teachers were providing you with the facts of the Christian Gospel or not? How important is it to you to ensure your salvation is solid and unshakable? Remember the Lord Jesus said, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.” (Matthew 7:15 NIV) Additionally, we live in an age where many are deconstructing the facts of historical record and fabricating new ‘facts’ to further their own narratives and agendas. Did the Church deliberately quash alternative doctrines and perhaps still does? You bet! So why not discover the real reasons for yourself? Come and join us for a friendly and safe environment to learn challenging great truths without being judged – since no question is stupid and/or will be ignored.

In all cases choose as many answers that you think are appropriate and keep a personal record of your answers for marking purposes:

How did you do? Did you notice how human individuals within the history of the Church were flawed? If God could use them then there is no reason to believe that He cannot use us.

Score up to 30 correct answers – then consider Bible College.
Score above 30 correct answers – then seriously consider Bible College.

Here below you can download notes, presentations and booklets from discussions and lessons.

Just click the section that you want to review.

Glossary of Biblical, Historical and Theological terms


Additional audio and Video lectures Coming Soon…

Class on the Trinity 8 March 2018

Below 04/02/2021
– Opening prayer and introduction to Pastor Michael O’Neal from USA
– @ 13:12 Dr Mike Burgess – Study in 2 Peter 1:1 – 11 then Q & A
– @ 51:20 Testimony of Joseph Elms (From Mormonism to Christ) then Q & A

Below 11/02/2021
– Opening prayer and introduction with Pastor Ray Pountney
– @ 02:19 Dr Mike Burgess – Study in 2 Peter 1:16 – 21 then Q & A
– @ 36:30 Pastor Joe Long – Part 2 of Church History (Early Church Heresies) then Q & A

Notes to Part 2 of Church History – Early Heresies – Heresies in the Early Church

Below 18/02/2021
– @ 00:00 Dr Mike Burgess – Study in 2 Peter 2 then Q & A
– @ 46:58 Pastor Joe Long – Part 3 of Church History (The Rise of the Papacy and of Mohummad) then Q & A

Below 25/02/2021
– Opening prayer
– @ 0:01:44 Dr Mike Burgess – Concluding Study of 2 Peter 2
– @ 0:09:31 Pastors Ray and Joe, and Dr Mike – Discussion on Truth/Visions/Dreams/Revelations
– @ 0:26:45 Pastor Ray – Dynamics and Challenges of Bible College Discussions and Debates
– @ 0:57:58 Pastor Joe – Part 4 of Church History (The Reformation)
– @ 1:30:06 His Highness Guy Mayers – Perspective of the Metropolitan Tabernacle
– @ 1:35:11 Pastor Ray – discussion on Grace in Pastoral Ministry
– @ 1:48:45 Pastor Joe Long – When did the light come on for the Reformation?

Below 04/03/2021
– Opening prayer
– @ 0:00:00 Dr Mike Burgess – Study of 2 Peter 3 then Q & A
– @ 0:39:17 Pastor Joe Long – Argument for Cessationism
– @ 1:33:55 Pastor Joe Long – Argument for Cessationism from Church History
– @ 0:48:20 Pastor Joe – Q & A
– @ 2:59:00 End

Below 11/03/2021
– Opening prayer
– @ 0:00:00 Dr Mike Burgess – The Life of Peter then Q & A
– @ 0:21:32 Pastor Anton Bosch – Study of the Book of Titus pt. 1
– @ 1:19:35 General feedback and Q & A

Terminology used: Pseudepigrapha – see Glossary above

Below 18/03/2021
– Opening prayer
– @ 00:00 Dr Mike Burgess – Life of Peter pt. 2 then responses
– @ 26:00 Pastor Anton Bosch – Study of the Book of Titus pt. 2 then Q & A

Below 25/03/2021
– Opening prayer
– @ 0:00:00 Pastor Ray Pountney – Protection Within Church
– @ 0:13:54 Ray introduces alumni Jose Guerra
– @ 0:17:26 Dr Mike Burgess – Walking Through the Fire (Testimony)
– @ 1:14:33 Responses and questions to Mike’s testimony
– @ 1:24:45 Responses of students to this term at Bible College and beforehand

Below 22/04/2021
– Opening prayer
– @ 0:00:00 Dr Mike Burgess – Equipping and Training Oneself (2 Tim 3:14 – 4:5) and Q & A
– @ 0:25:45 Ryan Schaivo – Witnessing in the Maldives
– @ 0:46:39 Pastor Ray Pountney introduces his early mentor, Pastor Kevin McGuinness
– @ 0:49:33 Ryan Schaivo – Death Equals Life (John 12:20 – 26) and Q & A
– @ 2:01:15 End

Below 09/09/2021
– Opening prayer
– @ 0:00:00 Dr Mike Burgess – The Ultimate Challenge of Serving God in His Kingdom (Luke 5:1 – 11) and Q & A
– @ 0:16:45 Pastor Ray Pountney – Catch Up After The Summer Break
– @ 0:30:00P Rev Keith Parker – Israel’s Place in the Salvation of Believers – Pt 1 – Jesus, The Jewish King of Israel

Below are text and audio testimonies of some Bible College students:

Sally’s Testimony of salvation – Part 1

Sally’s Testimony of deliverance from Toronto Experience